The things I planned to do today:
Strip bed sheets off all 6 beds and wash them
Shovel driveway
Take the kids outside and sell Girl Scout cookies with my daughter
Bake carrot bread
Work on the wall murul with the kids
write in this blog
Continue potty training X
Make Chili for dinner
Shine pennies with vinegar and salt with the kids
manage to get through all 100% of each child's school work I had planned
What I actually got done today:
Well I did get just about everything off the list done except we spent so much time outside selling girl scout cookies and playing that we never got around to working of the murul. I didn't manage to get through the entire school list for the kids, but got most of the basics done. S's friend came over to play because schools were closed today due to the snow. So I figured playing is learning so he got out of 1/2 his school work today.
As always I feel as if I didn't get much done, but I really did I accomplished most the this list and more.....
I never feel like I have done enough each day and sometimes feel guilty for not doing more ...I am cursed with being an overachiever.