Friday, December 6, 2013

Playing catch up.

Schooling? What is that? Oh that's the thing I said I would do this year. I am a bit of an over achiever and when I say we haven't really done schooling we have just very light lately. I am 28 weeks pregnant ,I think. It's baby #5 so until labor starts I really don't think to much of what week I am and what the baby is doing like I did with #1. I seem to have a harder time schooling when preggo than when baby is a new born. I am just so tired when I am pregnant and big and uncomfortable so as soon as baby pops out ( I wish) I throw him/her in my moby wrap and am ready to seize the day.

So what have we done?
Well we started the little house in the Woods series all the kids are enjoying that. We got some venison from our neighbors so we can eat that just like they did in the books. We also met up with some friends for a playdate and visited a little cabin just like the one we are reading about. ( Sorry no pics)

We chopped down our Christmas tree, okay we used a saw but chopping sounds so much better!
Then we went to our favorite sub place to eat with our tree strapped to our handy dandy minivan. We were having fun with Papabird while we waited.
Our Elf of a Shelf brought us some fun things to do, she brought us a set of 10 puzzles that we need to finish before Christmas eve. So we have been enjoying a lot of family time putting those together.
We went to a homeschool Christmas party that was wheat free, so that was fun that my kids were allowed to eat everything they saw.

Falcon and I just finished reading Divergent  here is the trailer. I need to go get the next book in the series from the library today, but feeling unmotivated.
We saw Catching Fire at the theater, it was AMAZING!

Speaking of Falcon  he left this morning for Chicago with his Boyscout troop. I am feeling quite uneasy about him being so far away from home and hoping he doesn't starve while he is there. I did send him with lots of wheat free snacks but who knows if he will eat them and will want to eat junk like the rest of the kids. I just hope he doesn't eat too much wheat and make himself sick.

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