Monday, January 19, 2015

Tea on Tuesdays week 1

A few years back I started doing Tea on Tuesdays with the kids. What we did was have Tea and eat cookies while reading poetry or short stories.

Now that we are back in the swing of things I started this up again.

Book we read:

This was chosen for us by a librarian a few weeks back when I asked him to pull books with the "winter" theme. I had no idea how much I was going to love this book. It has some great poems that all contain nature facts and why that animal does what it does in the winter. I learned quite a few facts as well.

A great view front he  inside of the book. This was Falcon's favorite poem.

An idea struck me! While enjoying our teatime I thought how great this would be to spread the word about Tea on Tuesdays to our friends. So I got on facebook and connected with fellow homeschoolers and brought this idea to them.

Every Tuesday sit down with your kids for Tea, cookies and poetry then mail off  a favorite poem or two to your friends and only open it on the following Tuesday during Tea time. I was surprised by the eagerness. Week 1 we sent out 8 letters as we had 8 familes involved.I have a Facebook group of all interested and addresses listed to mail out.

The poem we sent was from the book Winter Bees our family favorite was The Moose

Robin typed out the entire poem herself we mailed it off with a moose track worksheet.

letters ready to go out with all sorts of additional postage! ( bonus math work, we had 44 cent stamps!)

Foods we ate:

Tea we drank:

The kids enjoyed some mint and sassafras tea while I sipped my favorite Vanilla spice blend by Yogi teas.

Brother Raven, Sister Wolf

"You are a Squawker, Croaker,

You are a Slinker, Shadow,

Fearful, and flightly,
you peck and then flee.

Bound to the earth,
you leap, snap, and tumble

Silver winged-Thief,

Yellow -eyed snarler,

Stop Following me!

Stop Following me!

But don't stray too far
Keep watching our woods

Don't slack off your work,
Keep tracking our dinner

Eyes-of -the- forest


Raven , my Brother

My Sister Wolf"

From the book Winter Bees, this was my favorite as it reminds me of the constant bantering of my children. Who in the end love and look out for each other always. Interesting that Falcon's 2 favorite animals are the raven and the wolf . I never know previous to this that in the winter these 2 animals work together to hunt. (read from the book about the facts on the upper right side!)

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