I cut off 14 inches of my hair to donate to Locks of Love an organization that makes wigs for children with cancer. I wanted to cut a few inches off my hair but then I thought if I cut a whole lot more off then I would be doing a great thing for someone else. I teared up when I cut off 2 ponytails of my hair in the bathroom on Wednesday morning but I just kept thinking at least I have hair and that I was thankful I could grow it back. My 5 yr old daughter was very shocked by my hair when she came peered around the corner. I explained to her why I did it and what it was for and she looked a little sad. A few hours later she came to me and said with teary eyes "Mommy I want you to cut my hair off too, so that kids who don't have hair can wear mine" I was deeply moved by my daughters response but as selfish as this was I convinced her to keep her hair. I would have had to cut it above her chin to get the required 10 inches. I then reminded her that we will are are raising money for Alex's Lemonade stand, (a foundation to raise money for Pediatric Cancer) and she will be helping them when we do our lemonade stand.
In our homeschool this week…
I have been a little less organized. Well I take that back I have a plan for the week and we have been getting that done. I just have not done as much paperwork type stuff with my 5 year old as i would have liked. We went on many walks in the rain this week looking for spiders we did find a very cool one under the window AC unit just outside my bedroom. I sprayed it with a light mist of water to get a better view of it. This kids were excited to see bugs stuck in it too. I will be writing a separate blog post on our week long spider unit this weekend.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Relax, learning is life ....take the time to let your kids explore their interests and fall in love with learning.
Things I love...
All my kids like this 2-10 we have had it for a year and they still ask me to play with it.

I am inspired by…
The courage that the children with pediatric cancers have.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We went to the orchard on a very cold muddy day to pick apples that way we could make some apple butter with this weekend.
My favorite thing this week was…
Finding the really cool spider web, I was so afraid that we wouldn't find a cool web during the week we are studying spiders.
Questions/thoughts I have…
Wondering if there is a Van schooling blog hops because we do so much school in the van going from place to place that I often wonder what other creative homeschooling parents are doing. I know they are also doing cool stuff. If I knew how to host a blog hop I would do one for this.
Things I’m working on…
Finalizing our destinations and activities for national parks camping excursions.
I’m reading…
Nothing yet but I did just check this book out from the library recommended by my friend. Yes, I believe it is a teen series.

I’m cooking…
Gluten free pumpkin muffins and all things apples as we now have 5 very large cloth grocery bags full of apples.
I’m praying for…
My best friend from high school, he was arrested last week his bond was set at 300,000 which no one could put up. He is there awaiting trial until next week. He is a good man but unfortunate things that I cannot go into have happened. Nobody was hurt just hoping he is okay and that things will turn out for the better.
A photo to share…
Holding my hair just after I cut it off!
I loved reading about your haircut and your daughter wanting to do the same. how sweet!
I am sorry about your friend. :( That is vey high bale. Also, you look good with your new hair cut. I am sure a young child will enjoy your generosity.
Thanks for sharing with NOBH!
I've thought about donating my hair too - maybe I'll let it grow long enough before cutting it again.
You look fabulous with your new hair cut .. and what an amazing opportunity for you and your daughter :) ..... Locks of Love is so special! Good for You! I find a ton of teen series really good reading. Not so heavy yet enjoyable too! :) Loved your post!
We're going to be donating some hair very soon! My daughter wants to cut her hair SHORT (as in a style like Jenna Elfman's). And I have another 14-16 inches I need "trimmed". Every few years we donate. It's a great thing! And your style looks awesome!
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