The kids and I were so excited to see what was inside.
Postage on the envelope. Notice it cost her $651 Baht (that's the Thai dollar) it was really only around 24 US dollars but that a lot considering the package was less than 2 lbs.
Thai currency, she also sent a Thai baht for every child to take home at our monthly event.
The big bag of goodies she sent us (not including the map that is standing up)
Snacks that most Thai kids love and eat all the time. (her kids do not care for them much)
Aesop's fable that is written in Thai and in English.
A variety of post cards.
A magnet (wooden I think)
A video that is spoken in Thai
A few magazines that were written in Thai and some English.
The floating Market.
Thailand is full of canals (they call them Klongs)and a long time ago these were a popular way of getting your goods to the people who wanted to buy them Now they are mostly just a tourist attraction.
Our Canal boat. I tried to write something in Thai on the side I have no idea what it says, I just copied a world from one of the books.
The kids thought this a very new fun way to play grocery store. They took turns being the canal boat vendor and customer.
I shaved Falcons head over the weekend and his friends at TaeKwondo were calling him a monk. (light bulb) so I thought it would be neat for him to do his project on the Monk's in Thailand. He like that idea and went to the Internet and found the Tiger Temple The temple is located in the Saiyok district of Thailand's Kanchanaburi province.The website is interesting to look around, most of it is written in Thai though! If you listen to the homepage, they do talk in English and tell a bit about it.

So for his project: he wrote a personal narrative from the point of view of an 11 year old monk who is here in the USA to talk about his experience so far at the tiger temple.Falcon did a great job when he did his speech, I couldn't have been prouder.
Robin and I read this Thai folk tale:

It was a neat book, written in Thai and in English.
A great story to teach a valuable lesson on having to much.
Some things we did to go along with the book.
Robin tried on 10 of her favorite dresses/skirts and blouses so she could see how hard it would be to move around in them. Then we put on all of her jewlery, after she took them off we looked through her stuff and we decided (I convinced) her that she might have too much stuff and that we should get rid of some ofit. So we gathered some items and put them in our Goodwill bag.
Robin also made a Green spotted triangle butterfly
These are said to be common in Thialand. This was a very easy and great project to work on. Robin cut out to greeen shapes at a time so they would be the same shape them she placed them on her butterfly in a symmetrical pattern. This was hard for her at first, but she caught on quickly.
Insep, a foreign exchange student from Thialand giving a great speech about Thialand to the children, everyone loved her. She taught the kids some Thai sayings and some Thai dances.
We read that story last year when we learned about Thailand. It is very neat. Can't wait to see the treasures next month, which we wouldn't have missed today.
It was a great meeting! Glad we were able to come. P is now asking to go to a Thai restaurant! :)
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