It was typical week of ups and downs.I was a bit on edge this week having a shorter temper so I really had to try to keep that under control. My husband was out of town for most of the week for a business thing in Vegas. He said he went to the coolest Irish Pub, everyone in the bar spoke with such authentic Irish accents. He asked their waitress how they spoke it so well and she replied by showing him her work visa. She said the entire staff is imported in from Ireland on a work Visa for one year.I had never heard of anything like this! He said it was the coolest bar you really felt immersed in and Irish culture. For dinner one night he ate a Guinness beef stew, not sure I would like that one but he said it was wonderful!

This was his favorite beer it is called Delirum I love the bottle so cute. It was $10a bottle at the Irish Pub. We found some at a local specialty beer and wine store in town for $4.00 a bottle! I didnt think it tasted that great but my husband swears its the best beer ever!
In our homeschool this week…
We have moved a lot of our schooling down to the finished basement that we use as a playroom and it has been working out great so far. Owl and duck play after circle time is over and Robin can work on stuff down there with my help. This week we started out our month long unit on the ocean. Robin is doing great memorizing the 7 sea turtles left.I did run into a rough spot with Falcon though. He wasn't completing his work everyday and telling me he did. So he no longer gets any tv or video game time unless I have gone over all his work for the day.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
The day before my husband left we did take the family on a lantern tour a local battle grounds to hear about ghost stories. It was very interesting to hear some of the stories they had to tell of the haunted soldiers who still have not left the battle field. Falcon meet up with some homeschooled friends for bowling. I organized a group and boys ages 10-13 to meet up once a month to just be boys and have fun. We went to a rather nice bowling alley that offers 1 dollar games from 10 am to 12pm. It was nice seeing him play and have fun with kids his own age who have similar lives. I enjoyed chatting with the mothers and my 3 little ones had a blast bowling as well. It was a little farther out than I would have liked but it only cost me $13.00 for all 4 kids to bowl and have fun for 2 1/2 hours!
My favorite thing this week was…
Coming across a blog doing a 30 play challenge. The goal is to take just 15 minutes out of your day to fully focus on your kids and play. This sounds like a great idea to me.I am around my kids all day sometimes I forget that when school time is over the day is not and that I need to really be more engaged in play with my kids.So today was day 3 of the challenge day 1 for me though and today we played with our wooden blocks on the train table and created a zoo making exhibits for each animal. It was fun.
I am reading...

Great book Falcon and I reading I came across it by chance at the library I am so glad I found it.
I’m cooking…
Today I made chicken noodle soup and Robin and I made Coconut Lemon squares for dessert.
MMMMmmm that sounds yummy!!! I haven't really baked in a while. I need to. Our Chicken soup turned out yummy. Think I will make another kettle this week also. The kids didn't seem overly happy about pumpkin soup, we'll have to wait and see. I think some of the best leftovers is lasagna and chicken soup.
Nice to meet you! I'm a new follower from THMJ - Merry Christmas!!
Great that you have a space special for homeschool -
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