I had to go to a very close friends court hearing. He is up for 48 years for something that did not hurt anyone. He has Schizophrenia and was not taking his meds causing the voices in his head to take over. He will be held for another month at our county prison until the doctors get the paper work needed to the judge. What made me so sick is the fact that during the hearing he had to sit next to the man who molested a 9 year old girl at a local library a few weeks ago.
We are having an entirely new roof put on this week. Now it will no longer rain in our kitchen or foyer and if it does it will be under a 50 year warranty
Outside my window...
I see lots of shingles, and snow falling (just light flurries)
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This week we took a field trip to Goodwill industries check out Monday's blog post about it.
My favorite thing this week was…
Going to the planetarium at the college I went to. After a 6 month renovation they just added The new Spitz SciDome XD projects more than 6.5 million pixels across the entire hemisphere of the 40-foot dome, more than double the resolution of the best HD television screens. The result is a feeling of immersion as planets, stars and nebulae rush past. All I can say about this show is WOW! I totally felt like I was sucked into outerspace.
Here is a clip, this is nowhere near as cool as seeing it project on a 40 foot dome ceiling with better quality than the best HD tv's but you get the drift.
While on the subject of space I would just like to take mintute and talk about Tomatosphere. you can sign up to receive seeds that have been to outer space. You will grow 2 sets of seeds and after they have germinated you can submit your results to find out which seedshave been to space. There is a TON of educational ideas on the website. We have grown tomatoes for 3 years in a row now and love it every time.

A book series Robin and I are enjoying this week is the We Read Series this one is her favorite that we have read so far.

The left side of the page is for the Adult to read and right side is simpler text for the child to read.
whats cooking...
After 30 lbs of weightloss and eating a primal/paleo diet I broke down when I was craving brownies and baked some right out of a box! All that gluten and yucky additives Bleh! It did taste good, but made me so sick to my stomache that I do not think I will make them ever again. I need to go look up some paleo bownies.
My 17-year old son has schizophrenia. I understand how hard it can be.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. That must be so difficult. Sounds like your week was good other than that, and other than getting sick from brownies. Oh, the things sweets do to us!
Stopping by from the HMJ! Find me at http://heyitsjade.blogspot.com
Great job on the weight loss! The duel-reading book is very interesting! Wonder if our library has them? Pretty neat to share the reading like that!
I had gluten this week and had horrible stomach pain too! I need to stay away from the gluten!! Trader Joes gluten free brownie mix is really good, if I'm not up for making my own! :)
I'm sorry you've had a rough week. Thanks for taking the time to link up though! I'm definately going to look into the Tomato-sphere project for the kids. That sounds awesome!
Go Betsy!!!! I miss Brownies! Need to find a good recipe also (and more time to make them...lol)
I hope everything goes well with your friend. I think that is why I am soooo protective of Joey and Brayden. I never know what will happen and they just don't understand social norms and people just don't understand that are around them.
Looks like a great week. I just ordered some of those books from the library...Lydia will probably love them too. She's finally reading some small books!
Love your post. Blessings to your friend and love the We Both Read Series idea. Visiting from HMJ.
Thanks for linking up tot he NOBH
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