Another year has come and gone it was a year full of many memories and mistakes made.
Here is a list of my goals for next year, I set them a bit smaller than I would have liked. I am an over achiever by heart, but I wanted to make sure my goals were attainable so I would have no problem hitting them, and hopefully surpassing each one. I plan to re post my goals the first week of each month so I can stay on track all year. (I would hate to compose a post about how I was unable to achieve any or all goals that month)
1. Write at least 1000 words a week for my novel in hopes of completing it by August 2012.

2. Make a kids created monthly scrapbook. I had a scrap book bought for me 5 years or so ago and I still have not done anything with it. Every year I say I am going to have the kids each pick their favorite pictures of that month and do a page but, I never do. This year I am going to make it a school art project for the kids. They can either draw pictures save school stuff print pictures anything they want. This will be done the first school day of every month for the previous month so the first project will be done on Wednesday February 3.

3.Do yoga at least 2 nights a week. Before my last 3 children were born I did yoga daily and loved the stress release it gave me. I have let my yoga practice slip through the years. My plan is to set up my yoga space before the kids are in bed so as soon as they are in bed I will be ready to go.

4.Jog outside, kids free! I plan to get a neighborhood sitter to watch my kids for an hour once a week to have a stress free jogging experience.

5. A year long study of 12 famous artists. Each month we will focus on one 1 artist and create an art project replica of a famous painting.
A few that I have selected already are:
Vincent Van Gogh
Marry Casset
Claude Oscar Monet
Joan Miro
Leanardo Da Vinci
I am hoping to fill in the rest as we go selecting artists that we read about through our other studies.
So that's it, just 5 simple easily obtained goals to promote a stress reducing, fitness enhanced, and creativity inspired year!
What are your goals? I would love to hear them!
Those are all really great goals! I need to get writing mine down.
I usually pick a word or phrase to concentrate on for the year. Last year it was FOCUS. I focused on our schooling, I focused on my writing, I focused on healthy foods. I haven't quite settled on one for 2012 but so far I'm leaning towards ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS.
WOW .. i love your goals... I am in the process of creating mines as well! :) i love how you gave yourself like once a week or once a month goals :D very attainable! :D GOOD JOB GIRL!
I love scrapbooking. That's an excellent handicraft type thing to do!
Dropping by from the HMJ
Great ideas and choosing five to focus fits on one hand! I am still thinking, planning, and I need to write mine down! Thanks for the inspiration! I'm just stopping by from THMJ.
Fantastic list of goals. I love the sea picture at the top
Have you seen The Worlds Greatest Artists unit study over at Confessions of a Homeschooler ? It is a free download.
Looking forward to seeing your update !
Blessings on 2012
Fantastic goals for the new year! I also just pick one word to describe my focus for the upcoming year. Last year was SIMPLIFY, and this year will be the same:) I made a lot of strides last year, but I don't think I am finished by any means, so I'm carrying it over into 2012. Blessings to you and your for the new year!
We are currently using Erica's World's Greatest Artist's Vol 1 and find it to be easy to manage and the kids enjoy looking at all the art.
You have some great goals for the year! I am sure the scrapbook will be a great treasure in years to come! Thank you for linking up with us at NOBH!
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