A much calmer week now that that Thanksgiving is over. We got hit with another BAD rainstorm and we realized that the new roof that was just put on a month ago and already repaired once is STILL leaking and we had water running down our walls from the attic to the basement. I spent many hours on the phone trying to get this fixed.
In our homeschool this week…
I realized Falcon is having some serious issues with multiple choice tests. Either he is just rushing and not taking the time or his dyslexia might be playing a part in this. He failed many multiple choice tests. When I gave him tests that he needs to write the entire answer out for and not choose he gets is right 90% of the time.Not sure if I should foucus on teaching him to take multiple choice tests or just move on they are such a big part of schooling even in college. I am bad a those tests too I would take an essay any day over a multiple choice test.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We enjoyed ourselves at the Zoo sketching animals on a beautiful sunny 30 degree day.
My favorite thing this week was…
Seeing the Chinese Alligator lunge at the glass and try to attack us multiple times as we walked up to the exhibit. That was super fun usually the gators are just sitting in the water doing nothing.
Things I’m working on…
Our Elf on a Shelf arrived and the kids wanted to know if our Elf had any friends and what their names are. We found out that she has many friends but 2 best friends Icicle from Siberia and Candycane from the Cayman Islands. We are hoping to find out more about what the familes are like they are staying with and do some studies on those countries. :)Falcon will be working
on a project tied into this for his creative writing.
I’m reading…

I read this many years ago in college for and Anthropology of Medicine course. Lets just say that class has changed my life and the way I look at sickness. Every time my children get sick I need to repeat in my head "fevers are your friend leave them be" Mainstream society makes you think that if you get a fever you need to lower it because it is a BAD thing. They are so WRONG think about why you get a fever. You are usually infected with some sort or virus or bacteria. This is your bodies defense mechanism to turn up the heat and kill off that bacteria. When you take a fever reducing drug you are making your body work harder. Your symptoms may lessen and you may feel better but if you look inside your body that's a whole different story. The bacteria it multiplying super fast and causing your body to work ever harder to build up its white blood cell army to fight the damage you have done So why would you make yourself sicker? Well doctors tell you it's the right thing to do. The problem is most doctors have no idea how to cure patients anymore all they know how to do is give drugs to cover symptoms. Ever been to the doctor? How many drug reps were in the caiting room? Very sad. Quote from the book "using drugs to suppress fever may sometimes make people sicker or even kill them"
This entire book is highly educational and is always on my dresser to read. I find myself pulling it out and reading it every time my children get a fever. Like last night when Duck and Owl had 104 temps. This morning they are feeling a bit better and are down to 100-101. I feel better knowing that I am letting their bodies do what it was made to do.
I’m cooking…
A Paleo type fudge that I am still tweaking.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Oh, I am so glad I read your blog...I am with you on mainstream medical....I asked my Dr about NONGMO vitamins yesterday and she did not understand my concern with soy that is gmo....I'm thinking you may...do you have any suggestions?
Rebecca, most doctors will look at you like you have 2 heads if you even mention anything non mainstream. If you are looking foe vitamins go to your health food store and get dome from there. We used the Carlson brand. If younger interested in natural health you should check our Dr. Mercola 's website he has changed the way we look at food and supplements. As for the doctors they cannot even tell you to take and herbal stuff because it is not regulated by the FDA and the could lose their license so they just push the nasty crap the FDA endorsed full of synthetic chemicals, hope that helps. Good luck!
Oh, gosh! Your roof is still leaking! How frustrating!
All the best figuring out how to best help Falcon will multiple choice testing. Personally I think ESSAYS are the way to go, but you're right that multiple choice plays a big part in education (like SATs).
What's "Elf on a Shelf"? LOL
I TOTALLY agree about fevers treatment! It's one of our body's natural ways of killing germs...and oftentimes people take that away.
Oh, and the Art curriculum is just right for us - easy for ME to pull together and enough projects and information to teach the kids something.
Thanks for stopping by today. I'm your newest follower and really look forward to getting to know you.
I've never thought about the body & fever functions. Thanks for the eye opener.
Hope you guys have the roof situation under control now. I know that has to be frustrating.
Sketching animals at the zoo sounds wonderful!
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