I forced my lovely husband to help wrap gifts this year (he has NEVER helped in the last 13 years.) He finds an empty box (It's a gluten free bread box) and puts Falcons gift inside then slaps a label on it without wrapping it. I say to him,"what are you doing are you going to wrap that?" He replies "it is wrapped. Can you see what is inside it?" I say "NO!" He replies okay then it's wrapped, isn't the whole point of wrapping a gift just to cover it up so you do not see what is inside? You can't see what is inside, so its wrapped!"
He is putting it under the tree from Santa, falcon knows there is no Santa so my dear husband did it as a joke so Falcon thinks he got a box of Gluten free bread mix for Christmas! It is a bit funny!

This is what will be sitting under the tree with Falcons name on it from Santa!
In our homeschool this week…
Slow going but we are working on our S. Korean war project, Cats, Winter Solstice, Germs, and a few other things.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Robin and I went to see "How the Alien Stole Christmas" at out local planetarium. They just had a huge remodel with a brand new SciDome XD 3-dimensional computerized space simulator. It was AMAZING. Last month Falcon and I saw "A Journey Into a Black Hole", it was just as cool.
The movie was cute, the Alien took Santa to all the planets in the Solar system, then talked about the climate and why the Aliens who live there that need a Santa too! In the end Santa creates a special Santa suited for each planet's environment to deliver presents to all the alien children in the solar system.

It was a great addition to our Astronomy unit with a little bit of Christmas fun mixed in!
We also went to the zoo to sketch more animals today we sketched the Goldren Orb Weaver Spider then watched as the zoo keepers hand fed this big spiders eewwww!

We also saw the Symphany's Brass Quintet play at the library.
Owl working on a coloring page of a trumpet while listening to the music. Children were encouraged to get up and dance and really FEEL the music. This was a nice tie in to last weeks Book Lentil.
Questions/thoughts I have…
Does your Librarian know you by name? How many books do you have checked out at a time? We usually have around 80 at any given time. I love books and we have an awesome library that we use quite often instead of buying expensive texts. Anyone else a library fanatic?
I’m cooking…
Cookies, Mini cheesecakes, Lemon and white chocolate chex mix and my famous butter and white wine turkey with all the fix in's!
A photo to share..
Robin. Duck, and Owl having a blast playing in the empty baby pool in 30 degree weather! So Funny!
LOVE the library. Have had up to 50 books out. In fact I love books so much I keep buying them. My daughter gave up counting them when she got to around 3 000 (blush) I am truly blessed.
I am in the process of changing how we use our library. No my librarian does not know our names and nor do we know hers. I am inspired to change this in the new year. Thank you for the idea.
Merry Christmas and blessings.
PS Your link over at The Homeschool Mothers Journal is not correct. It links to Amazon :( Sorry for posting this here could not find a way to email you
Sounds like a great week! Yes, our librarian knows our names:) We go at least once a week...sometimes more! We can only check out about 10-15 things at a time though- books have a way of getting lost at our house!
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