Cardinals lined up on our artwork cloth line in the dining room.
Falcon use water color pencils to create his.
Robin use oil pastels for her bird then did a watercolor back ground.
Duck used just water colors. After he drew his bird I outlined his and Owl's so it would be easier to have them paint. Ducks added a tree with a bird nest in it.
I gave Owl his paints and instructed him to paint his bird RED like a Cardinal and when I came back in the room it was multi colored. I said "NO, Cardinals are red what are you doing?"
He replies, " I wanted it to be a rainbow Cardinal though"
Sigh, he got me at rainbow, I just love rainbows and I guess art is subjective. I was a tad bit frustrated at first because I wanted 4 RED Cardinals on my wall but I will live with 3 RED cardinals and 1 rainbow one.
Not about Cardinals but winter themed and it had red birds.
Gosh, I just love Gail Gibbons books - educational and all about winter and snow
We went bird watching and spotted a male Cardinal, we saw a few females but none of us could get a picture of those shy girls.
We did end up seeing a fox squirrel, those suckers are fast!
How fun!!!
Awesome pics...rainbow cardinals, super cute. We've been having so much fun with winter reading too. Will have to add Gail's books to our list. Thanks.
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