In our homeschool this week…
10 yr old is on his 1 week off rotation of our 6 weeks on 1 week off school. My little kids and I are studying fireflies and more bugs.I am also trying to finish up my daughters state fair projects.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We had a busy week.... we went to the art museum,and science museum.My son has his friend stay the night only to want to go home in the middle of the night, sigh! So I took him home. My son was super bummed and it was his 4th time staying over so not sure what his deal was.We also went to our American girl club meeting on Kaya, I made dream catchers with the girls and sat under a willow tree enjoying the beautiful day.We read did lots of reading at the library and knocked off $8.00 of our $87.00 in fines! Sat on a grassy area near the side of a road and watched construction vehicles tear up a road, now think I should start Mike Mulligan and his Steam shovel soon from the Five In A Row series.We went to the local mall for story time and learned about Vincent Van Gogh. They provided a snack and I was super excited that they had Annnies Organic Bunny crackers and freeze dried organic peaches and pears. After story time they decorated flower pots and took home a flower. It was a lot of fun!
My favorite thing this week was…
Walking around the block with my younger 3. It was the first time we actually made it all the way around, and its an average block size too!
What irritates me most this week..
When parents do not teach their children how to properly speak on the phone
Questions/thoughts I have…
Why did my son fail his 5th grade math test when he is doing 7th grade work?
Things I’m working on…
Organizing stuff for our letter of the week curriculum I am starting on 1 week. Went to the thrift store to look for small items to add to our letter sound bags we will be starting. Also got some great ideas on things to make and do from the Art and Science museum this week.
Idea 1- Make a laminated chart for a doctor file of a kids body and basic organs. Then make laminated copies of these organs to attach to a doll as well.
Idea 2- make sandpaper blocks as music instruments, they make a neat swish swish sound when rubbed together.
I’m reading…
Paleo Solutions
I’m cooking…
lots of meats and veggies no more grains.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
"Great spirits have always been violently oppressed by mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein
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