In our homeschool this week…
I started a letter of the week curriculum that I created myself for my younger 3. I will be blogging about it over weekend if you are interested. My 10 yr old started reading, The Dark is Rising by Susan cooper (Newberry Honor Book). He says it's very confusing so far but getting very good. He also started his state history studies.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Well most of the U.S was EXTREMELY HOT and I do not do heat well thats why I love living in the North and would like to move farther north. My dream place in the U.S to live just outside Portland Maine, maybe someday, never if my husband has any say though. We did manage to go to the library though and read off 6 dollars of our fines (you don't want to know how much we owe). We also picked up my oldests pottery projects that he worked on a few weeks back at the potters Guild.I had a short visit with my homeschooling friend Sara who is moving to Thailand with her 3 boys in a August. What an amazing experience she and her boys will have!
My favorite thing this week was…
Meeting a neighbor that lives 5 blocks away whom I always see walking with a triple stroller and 2 more kids. I finally caught up with her and asked if they were hers or she runs a day care. Turns our 2 are her grand kids 2 are her nephews and the other kids are other kids she watches. She totally did not look like she was a grandmother. She had 4 kids of her own 3 boys and 1 girl just like me!
Questions/thoughts I have…
Am I the only one who cannot stop thinking about all the homeschool stuff that is running around my head every night when I am trying to sleep? It's like my CPU of a brain needs to go over everything that we did, planning to do and didn't do. Then sorting and filing all of it all away in appropriate files so I can access them later. I guess that's why it takes me so long to fall asleep, my brain just refuses to shut down and reboot in the morning!!
Things I’m working on…
Still organizing school stuff. Now we are house hunting as well, we would like to be out of our house by fall. Hoping to get a house with lots of land!
I’m reading…
Paleo Solutions
Elphames Choice
I’m cooking…
NOTHING! It has been so hot and without air and 95-115 degree heat index we have been eating mostly salads and eating out.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to continually be part of unanimity. -Christopher Morley -
Even Portland, Maine saw record temperatures today! 100 degrees! And us 40 miles north saw higher! I'm toasty! LOL Looking forward to Sunday and low 80s again! (It's not normally this hot though!)
I am SO tired of the heat! We are moving back home to Portland, OR-leaving TX on Thursday. I am SO thankful:)
I finally decided what we are doing for schooli this Fall and I refuse to read or look at anything different:) Or my brain wouldn't shut off either!
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