This was a book from story time at the mall a few weeks ago that my daughter really enjoyed, so we read it again this week. Then we read ALL the Elmer books the library had.
Elmer Again
Elmer and the Lost Teddy
Elmer and the Stranger
Elmer in the Snow
Elmer and Wilbur
Elmer and the Wind
Elmer and Rose
Elmer and the Kangaroo
Elmers Special Day (this one was my favorite!)
Our parade across the top of the white board in the school/dining room.
You can see here that under the decorate elephant they are gray.
We made our own Elmer Parade. I stapled what the elephant really looks like under each elephant. Elmer looks Gray because he wants to dress up and look like a REAL elephant and the other gray elephants want to look like Elmer. WE had fun making these.
This is my 3 yr old wanting to only cut paper instead of decorating an elephant
My 2 year old coloring
My 5 year old making Elmer
Our felt Elephants!
I started the first sewing project with the kids. My 10 year old did it mostly on his own, except the ears ( I did those!) My 5 yr old did really well also. I plan to have them sew more felt toys over the school year. I was even very proud of mine I just free hand cut the elephants and we stuffed them with felt scraps left from cutting them out. Maybe new week we will make a fish since we will be doing the letter F.
Another fun E book

WE ate lots of eggs and are planning on going to a organic chicken farm on Thursday.
Oh I LOVE the felt elephants! How awesome that your 5 year old can make them! Did you use a pattern? I love the elephant parade, too. What great ideas! Thanks so much for linking up!
No I did not use a pattern, just looked at some felt elephants online then free hand cut them.
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