In my homeschool week...
When every one else seems to be starting school this week my oldest is getting a week off! We school year round 6 weeks on 1 week off, this week is his off week. My littles ones don't take a week off because most of their school is just play and they ask to do it. I finished up our pond/ duck unit. The kids really liked feeding the ducks and fish at the pond. We did get to see a cicada killer wasp fly right next to us holding a cicada underneath him then crawl into his newly built nest just inches away from where we were sitting!
In my life this week....
Do you remember that big beetle I posted about on my daughters nose when doing our letter b unit? Well it was dead but we were saving it because it was cool to look at. Well the 2 year old got it down from the shelf and was playing with it and lost it! Now I know I am going to find it when I have forgotten that I lost it and I m sure it will be some where least expected and yes I'm sure I will jump and have an adrenaline rush. So for it is still MIA.
My youngest just moved to a big boy bed because his siblings taught him how to climb out of it. I love the teamwork and collaboration it took but not happy about knowing my baby is all grown up and the fact that getting him to stay in his bed is going to be a fun battle of wills.
My neighbor just started her homeschool journey this year so it was nice talking with her and reassuring her. We have all been that first time homeschooler at one point before.
My favorite thing this week was...
Taking the kids to the pond, enjoying having nothing to do and nowhere to go this week it was so blissful. Usually on our weeks off I set up
lots of field trips that are fun. This time we just stayed home and had fun we had a great time getting wet on a 90 degree day and having a water balloon fight.
I am inspired by...
My children this week. I just love to see when homeschooling really works my younger kids and I are doing a monarch study. But they wanted to know so much more so they spent the week researching and studying caterpillars and butterflies and can now name and recognize least 4 types of butterflies and what they look like as caterpillars. I just love when learning = fun!
a photo to share...

The eastern tiger swallowtail in the larva stage (one of my littles favorite Things to learn about this week)

I hope you locate the beetle soon and it doesn't scare you silly. That would definitely freak me out. You saying you kept it made me think back to a few years ago when we were "raising" butterflies from caterpillars we found in our garden. One did not emerge from its chrysalis, so we thought it was a goner but kept the chrysalis anyway. We had it in a jar in our utility room. Turns out it "wintered over" and came out of the chrysalis in the spring. That was a joyful surprise to find! Have a lovely weekend!
Oh man...if my litlest had gotten hold of that beetle he would have eaten it for sure! Ugh! Hopefully you'll find it in a less groady place!
I'm visiting from the Journal...and really enjoyed reading about your week. :)
raising little rhodies
Oh, no on the beetle! At least you know it's dead and not wiggling around the house! Interesting larvae stage! Stopping by from THMJ!
Oh your homeschool sounds like soooooooo much fun! It sounds right up my alley. I love love love nature study. [o= And It was so nice to meet you.
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